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These 6 Types of People Are More Likely to Cheat in a Relationship



​You must pay special attention to all the listed traits as this might help save you from people who are out to hurt you in a relationship.

According to anthropologist and infidelity expert Helen Fisher, PhD, there are tell-tale personality traits or factors that increase the odds of your partner being adulterous.

Writing in her book Anatomy Of Love: A Natural History of Mating, Marriage, and Why We Stray, the sexpert explains five signs that should make you steer clear, Dailystar reports.

Here are what you should look out for

1. Unstable childhood

Whether or not you become a cheater may stem as far back as childhood.

More specifically, it all comes down to a person’s relationship with their parents so watch out for how they interact with mum and dad if you suspect your partner may be a love rat.

Helen said: “Men and women who were securely attached to their parents during childhood tend to build more stable partnerships and engage in less infidelity, whereas those who were insecurely attached to parental figures are more likely to philander.”

2. Personality

Outgoing people, adventurers or those who enjoy new experiences tend to be more prone to playing away. Those who crave expanding their mind often can’t resist urges of the body.

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On top of this those who “are less conscientious, less agreeable and more neurotic” tend to be adulterous.

3. Power play

Women who wear the trousers in the relationship are more likely to seek other sexual partners because of a power imbalance.

Helen said: “Wives who report that they ‘get their way’ more often during disagreements are more likely to have extramarital affairs.”

Being more popular or “socially desirable” is also a sign of a love rat.

4. Education and income

Generally richer people are more likely to indulge in sex with other people, while the individual who isn’t the breadwinner in the relationship tends to be more faithful.

American ladies are more likely to seek pleasure elsewhere if they’re smarter than their partner.

5. It’s all just DNA

Some people believe there’s actually a cheating gene, or set of genes.

A recent study of 181 men and women by researchers at Binghamton University suggested that half of all people have a gene that makes them prone to sleeping around and being unfaithful.

Those with the DRD4 gene “were more likely to have a history of uncommitted sex, including one-night stands and acts of infidelity” according to lead investigator Justin Garcia.

6. Too Pretty, Handsome and Well-Endowed People

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A good percentage of people who are very pretty, handsome and well endowed are more likely to cheat in a relationship. This is because many of them are bombarded with attention by men and women who are always after them to compromise for a favour.

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