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Is UK's Prince Charles Gay? Caught on Camera Kissing his Boy Lover. Photo Goes Viral



In a world exclusive story on a front page cover, The Globe magazine has disclosed that the Buckingham Palace is in shock and upset about facing a fresh ‘gay’ scandal after Prince Charles’ secret gay life has been blown wide open by shocking photos of the love-sick royal in a sizzling lip-lock with his toy boy lover.
The publication went further to allege that Charles’ mother, Queen Elizabeth II, is stunned by the images and now ‘more determined than ever’ to make her favourite grandchild, Prince William, her heir, as the British first family are reportedly ready to disown him, and his wife set to divorce him as well.
The article goes on to say “After greeting his secret lover, the prince and the handsome young man embrace and share a passionate and deep kiss .”
They also dare to write ” Certainly, Charles’ taste for men comes as no surprise to his wife, Camilla, says a royal insider, ” and even accuses her of “taking Charles’ homosexuality to her advantage to accomplish her lifetime dream of being named queen.” Not stopping there, Globe also says once she’s named the queen, she would walk away from the marriage with a king’s ransom.

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